Current Topics
Sport for orthopaedic disorders
Sporting activity makes an important contribution to the prevention and rehabilitation of orthopaedic diseases and functional disorders Many people want to be active in...
Preventive healthcare with orthopaedic check-ups
Precaution and prevention are the trend Your own health should be your favorite child. The associated performance at work and in your leisure time is a valuable...
Ultrasound in orthopaedics, sports medicine and pain therapy
Imaging procedures such as ultrasound and X-ray are important and indispensable medical standards in both pain diagnostics and interventional pain therapy.The...
Headaches and painful neck
The term cervical syndrome or cervical spinal syndrome is a fairly general term for complaints that originate in the cervical spine (cervical spine) or affect the...
Pain therapy effects and side effects
Any type of pain therapy can trigger desired effects such as the regaining of ideally pain-free movement function, but also undesired side effects such as a temporary...
Tennis- and golfer’s elbow
Tennis- and golfer’s elbow About 100 years ago physicans diagnosed the tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) for the first time. Nowadays more than fifty percent of all...
Effective and gentle medical training therapy in water
For back and joint complaints, whether acute or chronic, medical training therapy in water (hydrotherapy) is, in my view, the most suitable. Here, crawl swimming (back...
Pain therapy with facet block for facet syndrome
One of the most common interventional therapeutic procedures on the spine is facet block (injection into the intervertebral joints of the cervical, thoracical and...
Epidural infiltrations for treating back pain
The term epidural infiltration describes the step-by-step injection of medication in the epidural space of the spinal cord, which is the space between the periosteum...
Nerve blocks and injections into joints
Injections in joints such as the shoulder, hip, knee (see illustration) and ankle joints, but also in tendons and muscles are common therapies in daily orthopaedic...
Prevention for a healthy spine helps to avoid back pain
Back pain is very common in our society and can affect each one of us. Back pain is due to a lot by sitting a lot and lack of active mobility. What can you do, if it...
Injuries to ligaments and tendons
Distortions (sprains) often occur in the arms and legs during sporting activities, but also in everyday life. Most incidents do not result in serious structural damage,...