Complementary medicine

Performing prevention in a gentle manner

Complementary medicine and its therapeutic methods are very popular, since they prevent health-related harm in a gentle manner, regenerate and cure. Severe side effects are almost never seen, if these methods are used carefully and properly. But due to their working principle they have to be used longer to achieve the optimal therapeutic effect. Thus they are especially well appropriate for the therapy of chronic diseases and disorders like pain syndromes. This does not exclude their use for treating acute disorders at all, since on the one hand they prevent and cure acute disorders, on the other hand they can be valuable in preventing the development of chronic diseases.

Therapeutic effects

Therefore they are particularly suitable for use in chronic and chronic recurrent diseases and functional disorders such as pain syndromes. Of course this does not exclude their use in acute diseases, since they can prevent or cure acute diseases on the one hand and represent a valuable prevention for the development of chronic diseases on the other hand. As already mentioned above the therapeutic effect begins often later, but then is more persistent and mostly without the typical side effects well-known by traditional academic medicine.

One example

A typical example is the comparative application of enzyme medications and NSAR e.g. Diclofenac for treating a swelling of an ankle due to a crash of two soccer players.

Procedures of complementary medicine in our medical office are among others