
“Humans are what they eat”

Feeding yourself fully means to feed yourself healthy in order to feel well, to be fit and powerful. A full nourishment supplies your body with everything needed:energy, proteins, fatty acids, carbohydrates, essential vitamins, trace elements, mineral substances and dietary fibers.
Nutritional defects: not balanced, which means too much, too fatty, lacking dietary fibers .
Consequences:Constipation, hypertension, gout, fat metabolism disorder, overweight, premature degeneration of the musculoskeletal system and weakening of the immune system.

Prevention by

  • adjusted nutrition to the individual physical stress
  • regular exercise and sports
  • weight control
  • mixed nutrition
  • change of the eating behaviour and habits
  • writing a nutritional diary
  • less and often is more

Stress and toxic alien substances from the environment and with it the increased strain by free radicals (reactive, mainly destructive acting atoms, ions, molecules with unpaired electrons) in combination with a lack of essential nutritive materials (not contained sufficiently in today`s food) take both a similar negative influence on the single organism. The nutritional support on orthomolecular basis offers a satisfying medical solution to these problems. Orthomolecular medicine describes the preservation of good health and the treatment of diseases by changing the concentration of substances in the human body, which are normally present in the body and necessary for its health (LINUS PAULING, Science 160, 1968). The idea of orthomolecular medicine is based on the knowledge, the human Organism needs approximately 45 vital substances for having an optimal Function. These are vitamins, mineral substances, trace elements, antioxidants. If all of them are present in the correct amount and concentration in the body, they guarantee optimal health and extensive protection from disease. The word „orthomolecular” is composed of “ortho” (grecian) = right, well and molecular, molecule (latin) = component of substances.

Nutritional rules

  • less sugar intake
  • eating only few meat and eggs
  • eating more fruits, vegetables and fish
  • drinking plenty of water e.g. mineral water, however avoiding sweet drinks (lemonade, cola)
  • eating nothing, which does not agree with you (e.g. allergy torwards milk products)
  • moderate consumption of alcohol
  • none smoking
  • nutritional supply with vitamins, antioxidants, mineral substances, trace elements and essential fatty acids (Tab. 1-3)


Table 1a essential vitamins for health and well-being

Table 1b essential vitamins for health and well-being

Table 2 the most important mineral substances and trace elements at one glance

Table 3 Antioxidants