Sport bei orthopädischen Erkrankungen

Sport bei orthopädischen Erkrankungen

Sportliche Betätigung leistet bei orthopädischen Erkrankungen und Funktionsstörungen einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Prävention und zur Rehabilitation Viele Menschen möchten sportlich aktiv sein und stellen dabei hohe Ansprüche an ihre eigene Sportfähigkeit. Aber welche...
Imaging techniques in interventional pain therapy

Imaging techniques in interventional pain therapy

Imaging techniques such as X-ray and ultrasound are an important and indispensable medical standard in both pain diagnostics and interventional pain therapy.The anatomical reference points, also called landmarks, were the only way to perform interventional pain...
Pain therapy with facet block for facet syndrome

Pain therapy with facet block for facet syndrome

One of the most common interventional therapeutic procedures on the spine is facet block (injection into the intervertebral joints of the cervical, thoracical and lumbar spine). The images illustrate the anatomical conditions at the lumbar spine in transition to the...
Epidural infiltrations for treating back pain

Epidural infiltrations for treating back pain

The term epidural infiltration describes the step-by-step injection of medication in the epidural space of the spinal cord, which is the space between the periosteum (bony skin) of the spinal channel and the spinal dura mater (hard skin of the spinal channel). This is...